My digital diary about Modena

by Stefania Fregni

Welcome to my blog about my beautiful city :) Follow the diary, I'll bring you ti discover Modena.

Posts for Outdoor trips in Modena Category

The Big Bench in Modena: what it represents and how to reach it

Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - August 13, 2021

big bench modena prignano sulla secchia

Imagine finding yourself in front of a colorful giant bench over two meters high and located in a unique panoramic point.
Imagine sitting and stopping for a while to admire what surrounds you listening only to the voice of the wind and to the buzz of insects.
Welcome to Monte Pedrazzo, at an altitude of 870 meters, in Prignano sulla Secchia where it is located the Big Bench in Modena.

But what are Big Benches and how could you reach the one situated in the Modena?
In this article I’ll tell you everything!

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10 outdoor trips in Modena you have to plan

Nature & Leisure, Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - August 9, 2021

Among rivers, waterfalls, nature reserves, lakes and big benches, here you find 10 outdoor trips in the province of Modena that you have to put on your agenda during your stay!

Finally here we are… the summer is about to begin and the desire to go out and enjoying the nature is great, isn’t it? We really needed it, I know!

So let’s start this new season with some ideas for pleasant outdoor trips.

Ready to go?

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A day at the river park of Marano

Modena with children, Nature & Leisure, Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - September 1, 2019

Well you know, the good weather leads us to spend time outdoors, especially in the summer, when we often look for places where to relax and to find coolness. From this point of view, Modena offers several opportunities! One of these (and not too far from the center) is the river park of Marano, a place that I have often frequented when I was a teenager and where I’ve recently come back. I’ll tell you something more.

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Bucamante Waterfalls in Modena Apennines: a naturalistic oasis to visit

Modena with children, Nature & Leisure, Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - August 1, 2019


I often wonder if there are places where to spend some peaceful hours near Modena! Organizing an outdoor trip is a lovely pastime 🙂 When I fell that I would like to do that I immediately think to our beautiful Modena Apennines where it’s possible to find perfect places to live special moments of leisure. So, this summer I visited Bucamante Waterfalls near Serramazzoni, 30 minutes far from Modena. I tell you my experience.

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Discovering Modena: a day around Castelvetro, Levizzano and Puianello

Collaborations, Outdoor trips in Modena, Stories of Modena, Video - Stefania Fregni - February 8, 2018

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
[Marcel Proust]

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Summer in Italy: 3 different ideas to enjoy Modena in this season

My personal lists, Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - August 10, 2017


If you are in Italy in summer, you have not to miss to come in Modena, my beautiful city 🙂
Modena is a lovely city in Emilia Romagna. You can find more details about it on my blog, so I suggest you to follow me 😉

As many Italian cities,  Modena in summer can be very warm and enjoy the visit in the urban area can be difficult. Therefore, sometimes, it could be a good idea to explore different alternatives in order to discover new places nearby. Modena has lovely neighborhoods to go to see.

In this article, I tell you 3 great ideas to enjoy your summer in Italy if you are near Modena!

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Modena Apennines: a beautiful excursion to Scaffaiolo Lake

Nature & Leisure, Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - July 18, 2017

Lago Scaffaiolo _ gite fuori porta Modena

I like mountain, I love the idea to feel surrounded by the nature and I feel regenerated by the good energy that it transmits. Although I often prefer the sea, an habitat where I feel really “at home”, I would like to discover more about it!
So, I thought to start with some places in our beautiful Modena Apennines, with an excursion, that I already did in the past, to Scaffaiolo Lake, starting from Capanno Tassoni and passing through the “Croce Arcana”. I tell you how it went!

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3 things to do in Modena in spring


Spring has arrived and with it the desire to revive public spaces, enjoying the open air during these beautiful sunny days.
This season (definitely my favorite to enjoy my city) brings with it a feeling of awakening, of rebirth, that you can breathe walking through the streets of Modena. Therefore, I’ve thought to tell you 3 things I love to do during springtime.

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Sono co-autrice di 3 divertentissimi giochi da tavola! A Tal Dég, il "monopoly" di Modena, 
 Modena Quiz, il quizzone su Modena e provincia e Bagài "al zógh ch’al ciacára in mudnés " con le illustrazioni bellissime del mitico fumettista Clod