My digital diary about Modena

by Stefania Fregni

Welcome to my blog about my beautiful city :) Follow the diary, I'll bring you ti discover Modena.

My friends


I introduce you my friends 🙂


Francesca Gonzales

“I love telling tasty stories.
If you are looking for me I am taking picture of something good”.


Everybody knows her as “La Gonzi”, Francesca comes from Modena but now she lives between Turin and Milan. Foodie, lover of simple and tasty foods, she writes on her blog (Spadelliamo) not only about food but also about her passions and experiences. She declares to struggle to identify herself only as food blogger, so she prefers to define as “a foodie who tells about tasty news on the web”.
And there are a lot of tasty news about Modena to tell! 🙂

Scopri Modena insieme a me!

Si chiama Modena Like Me ed è la guida cartacea edita da Do It Human Editore in cui ho raccolto i miei consigli, i miei suggerimenti, le mie dritte, alcune foto e molto altro ancora per farti vivere la città da un punto di vista privilegiato, quello di chi la conosce e la vive!