My digital diary about Modena

by Stefania Fregni

Welcome to my blog about my beautiful city :) Follow the diary, I'll bring you ti discover Modena.

Posts for Eat and Drink in Modena

When Nocino becomes a cocktail thanks to the Nocino Cocktail Experience of Toschi

Collaborations, Food & Drink - Stefania Fregni - December 15, 2022

Nocino Cocktail Experience Toschi

What if I told you that Nocino can become a special ingredient for creating excellent cocktails ready to be poured and enjoyed in company?
If you think that our beloved Nocino is just “after dinner” stuff, this article will turn your ideas upside down.

Ready to change your way of seeing this traditional liqueur?

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Modena: 5 traditional restaurants where to eat at least once in your life

ristoranti tipici modena MyModenaDiary

There are special places where to go at least once in your life… they are places to see, to live, to taste.
Every city has ones. They are not simply traditional restaurants in Modena, but they are commercial activities and people that did the story of the city telling its identity through the foods that every day come out from their kitchens.
I’ve collected them in this post because I think they deserve a special mention and a particular place in my heart 😉
These are 6 traditional restaurants in Modena centre where to eat at least once in your life.

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Where to have an Italian aperitif in Modena center: 3 places that I love


I love Italian aperitifs 🙂
We call “aperitivo” a pre-dinner drink that “open” the palate and make us socialize, talk and relax with friends in a lovely place. I think that aperitifs should be organized every evenings, because they have the power to make you feel better!

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Gourmet burgers in Modena: 10 places to eat this speciality

Food & Drink, My personal lists - Stefania Fregni - August 6, 2021


Lately I’m obsessed by the burgers! 😉 Probably the reason is to be found in my decision to write this article on this matter or because burgers are always very appetizing. In recent months, I have collected different lunches and dinners in some different places of the city where it’s possible to eat this lovely dish. Here, you can find the result of my “hard” work (;)): my list of 10 places where to eat gourmet burgers in Modena.

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Romantic restaurants in Modena: 7 (+1) places to impress

Bar and restaurants, My personal lists - Stefania Fregni - February 8, 2021

Who knows how many times you have tried to think of the right place to bring your sweetheart for a romantic lunch or dinner! I guess many 🙂 Especially at this particular time of year… when Valentine’s Day is coming.  Don’t worry, if you are in Modena and you don’t have ideas where to go, you can find in this article 7 (+ 1) proposals perfect to impress the person you love.

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What to see in Modena in a day: the centre, the museums, where to eat and other local tips

Suggested Tours - Stefania Fregni - August 31, 2019


Every time I visit a new city I always start from its centre. If you have limits of time, you have to choose from where to begin and I think that starting from the “heart” of the urban realities is always a good idea. It’s the best way to keep in touch with their spirit.
People who don’t know my city probably will ask themselves: “what to see in Modena in a day?”
Therefore, if you decide to come to Modena for a day, I suggest you to focus on the historical centre: savoring its atmosphere and enjoying the authenticity of the everyday life.

This article collects some good ideas to organize your perfect tour around the centre of Modena. In this post, then, you will find links to deepen the different subjects. My goal is to update regularly this mini-guide with all the possible suggestions that come to my mind in order to make your visit become special.

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Coffe time? Here there are 5 café where to drink a coffee in Modena center

Bar and restaurants, Food & Drink, My personal lists - Stefania Fregni - May 28, 2019


Some people prefer drink coffe only in the morning or after their lunch, others several times during the day. Then, there is who prefers drink its cup at home and who loves sitting in a café and have coffee reading the newspaper: in any way you love to drink it, coffee is a kind of ritual for Italian people! So, if you are in the centre of the city and you need a good cup of coffee, I write you about 5 café in Modena to go 🙂

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Gnocco Fritto: a great passion! What it is and how you can prepare it

Food & Drink, Stories of Modena - Stefania Fregni - November 17, 2016


I love “gnocco fritto”, I can’t resist it! There’s probably something written in my Modenese DNA: when I find myself in front of a little basket full of this fried pastry I’m simply happy 😉

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Modena street food: the crescentina (tigella) by Or-ma

Food & Drink, Stories of Modena - Stefania Fregni - February 1, 2016

I believe that who thinks that street food is a practice that comes from far away is making a mistake.
If we think about Italian food we can realize how many traditional foods have become perfect street foods over time.
As far as Modena food traditions are concerned, have you ever thought that crescentina (well known as tigella) is one of the first street foods diffused in Modena and then exported all over the world? 😉

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Trattoria Barchetta: simplicity and familiarity, a place where I feel at home

Bar and restaurants - Stefania Fregni - November 21, 2015

I attend the Trattoria Barchetta in Campogalliano, Modena, for over 10 years, I suppose. It’s one of the restaurant I choose to give me a special lunch.
I usually spend in Campogalliano a few days of my week for work and I have learned to discover its more interesting places.
Campogalliano is a town in the province of Modena, located west of the city. I will probably tell you about this pretty town in the future but now I want to talk you about “Barchetta”, a restaurant (“trattoria”, in Italian) of the many suggestions.

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Sono co-autrice di 3 divertentissimi giochi da tavola! A Tal Dég, il "monopoly" di Modena, 
 Modena Quiz, il quizzone su Modena e provincia e Bagài "al zógh ch’al ciacára in mudnés " con le illustrazioni bellissime del mitico fumettista Clod