My digital diary about Modena

by Stefania Fregni

Welcome to my blog about my beautiful city :) Follow the diary, I'll bring you ti discover Modena.

Posts for To do in modena

Modena: 5 traditional restaurants where to eat at least once in your life

ristoranti tipici modena MyModenaDiary

There are special places where to go at least once in your life… they are places to see, to live, to taste.
Every city has ones. They are not simply traditional restaurants in Modena, but they are commercial activities and people that did the story of the city telling its identity through the foods that every day come out from their kitchens.
I’ve collected them in this post because I think they deserve a special mention and a particular place in my heart 😉
These are 6 traditional restaurants in Modena centre where to eat at least once in your life.

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The Historical Shops of Modena: a lovely tour between culture, values ​​and traditions

Bar and restaurants, Not to be missed, Shopping, Suggested Tours - Stefania Fregni - July 12, 2022


If it has happened or it will happen to you to go around Modena and you are a person that take care of details, you will not miss to see a sign located outside the windows of some shops, bars or restaurant, which over time has hit me. I’m talking about the signs where it was written: “Bottega Storica dell’Emilia Romagna” (The Historical Shop of Emilia Romagna), but what are they?

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What to see in Modena in a day: the centre, the museums, where to eat and other local tips

Suggested Tours - Stefania Fregni - August 31, 2019


Every time I visit a new city I always start from its centre. If you have limits of time, you have to choose from where to begin and I think that starting from the “heart” of the urban realities is always a good idea. It’s the best way to keep in touch with their spirit.
People who don’t know my city probably will ask themselves: “what to see in Modena in a day?”
Therefore, if you decide to come to Modena for a day, I suggest you to focus on the historical centre: savoring its atmosphere and enjoying the authenticity of the everyday life.

This article collects some good ideas to organize your perfect tour around the centre of Modena. In this post, then, you will find links to deepen the different subjects. My goal is to update regularly this mini-guide with all the possible suggestions that come to my mind in order to make your visit become special.

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Bucamante Waterfalls in Modena Apennines: a naturalistic oasis to visit

Modena with children, Nature & Leisure, Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - August 1, 2019


I often wonder if there are places where to spend some peaceful hours near Modena! Organizing an outdoor trip is a lovely pastime 🙂 When I fell that I would like to do that I immediately think to our beautiful Modena Apennines where it’s possible to find perfect places to live special moments of leisure. So, this summer I visited Bucamante Waterfalls near Serramazzoni, 30 minutes far from Modena. I tell you my experience.

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5 shades of Modena: a tour of Modena to discover 5 different experiences

Collaborations, My personal lists, Suggested Tours - Stefania Fregni - January 23, 2018

Have you ever wondered what character has your city?  Do you think it is possible to identify its different distinctive features? I think it is.
I’ve always thought that cities, like humans, had a different character that could be captured in certain places and doing certain experiences.
So, in order to organize a tour of Modena made of 5 stops, I’ve tried to think about my city as a real person, whose character is composed of different personalities. Then, I tell you of 5 shades of Modena, 5 experiences that I had having a tour on my territory accompanied by the new T-Roc, in collaboration with Volkswagen MPS Car Modena. 

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Summer in Italy: 3 different ideas to enjoy Modena in this season

My personal lists, Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - August 10, 2017


If you are in Italy in summer, you have not to miss to come in Modena, my beautiful city 🙂
Modena is a lovely city in Emilia Romagna. You can find more details about it on my blog, so I suggest you to follow me 😉

As many Italian cities,  Modena in summer can be very warm and enjoy the visit in the urban area can be difficult. Therefore, sometimes, it could be a good idea to explore different alternatives in order to discover new places nearby. Modena has lovely neighborhoods to go to see.

In this article, I tell you 3 great ideas to enjoy your summer in Italy if you are near Modena!

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Modena Apennines: a beautiful excursion to Scaffaiolo Lake

Nature & Leisure, Outdoor trips in Modena - Stefania Fregni - July 18, 2017

Lago Scaffaiolo _ gite fuori porta Modena

I like mountain, I love the idea to feel surrounded by the nature and I feel regenerated by the good energy that it transmits. Although I often prefer the sea, an habitat where I feel really “at home”, I would like to discover more about it!
So, I thought to start with some places in our beautiful Modena Apennines, with an excursion, that I already did in the past, to Scaffaiolo Lake, starting from Capanno Tassoni and passing through the “Croce Arcana”. I tell you how it went!

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Estense Gallery in Modena: visiting one of the most important Italian National Galleries

Not to be missed, Tourist attractions and museums - Stefania Fregni - April 14, 2017


Estense Gallery in Modena is one of the oldest and most important National Galleries of Italy where the collection of arts of Este family, the dukes of the city, are exposed. A real gem, a place to get lost for few hours, admiring the magnificence of a past that has left its mark. This is a visit that I really loved and that gave me the opportunity to learn more about Este.
I’ll tell you then my experience between the rooms of one of the oldest and most important National Galleries of my country.

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3 things to do in Modena in spring


Spring has arrived and with it the desire to revive public spaces, enjoying the open air during these beautiful sunny days.
This season (definitely my favorite to enjoy my city) brings with it a feeling of awakening, of rebirth, that you can breathe walking through the streets of Modena. Therefore, I’ve thought to tell you 3 things I love to do during springtime.

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Christmas in Modena: 7 ideas to enjoy this season

My personal lists - Stefania Fregni - December 17, 2016


Time flies as usual and just a few days miss at Christmas. It seems yesterday that I wrote about Christmas in the city. Now, I am back again with a special blog post dedicated to this time of the year where I’ve collected some ideas to give you in order to live Christmas in Modena in the best way.

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12 months of My Modena Diary

Stories of Modena, Video - Stefania Fregni - November 17, 2016

“In November 2015 this beautiful adventure began… since then I have traveled a long way!
I rediscovered my city, I observed it, I lived it, I photographed it and I told about it: 12 months of Modena My Diary”

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Discovering Stanguellini Museum, the oldest Modenese name active in the car field

Tourist attractions and museums - Stefania Fregni - October 18, 2016

Sometimes it happens to discover places of my city I don’t know, or rather, that I’ve only heard but I’ve never visited. So when I find one, I am so happy to talk about it and share my experience that would stay hours writing about it. This happens recently with Stanguellini Museum, the museum dedicated to the oldest Modenese name active in the car field.

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Modena and its waterways: a charming blast from the past

Suggested Tours - Stefania Fregni - August 7, 2016


It’s incredible to think how Modena in the past was a city of waterways, like a little Venice!
A few time ago I made great tour following the route of the waterways that once flowed into the city.
I learned a lot of things that I want to tell you 🙂

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Luciano Pavarotti’s home museum: visiting Big Luciano’s home, the great Maestro of Modena

Not to be missed, Tourist attractions and museums - Stefania Fregni - January 16, 2016

I discovered the existence of Luciano Pavarotti’s home museum almost by chance. I was curious and I decided to visit it.

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A day at the Albinelli Market, the historical market of Modena

Food & Drink, Not to be missed, Shopping - Stefania Fregni - November 28, 2015

The Albinelli Market is absolutely one of the visits to do if you decide to come to Modena. It is one of my favorite places in the city that I try to visit as often as possible. Usually I go there on Saturday morning, when I have more time, both for shopping and for enjoying the magic atmosphere that you can breathe inside. This market is “the place” of tradition, where the Modenese values ​​of culture and gastronomy find their highest expression.

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Vintage in Piazza Grande

Shopping, Stories of Modena - Stefania Fregni - October 25, 2015

deeply and unconditionally love vintage, I admit it.
Not only just vintage, but also everything old, old-fashioned, shabby chic etc. I think that this attraction comes from the intrinsic charm simply contained in these words. As if just pronouncing them, you are immediately thrown into a different time dimension, in a fantastic world in which every object is able to tell a unique story, full of emotions.

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Sono co-autrice di 3 divertentissimi giochi da tavola! A Tal Dég, il "monopoly" di Modena, 
 Modena Quiz, il quizzone su Modena e provincia e Bagài "al zógh ch’al ciacára in mudnés " con le illustrazioni bellissime del mitico fumettista Clod